Monday, October 12, 2020

October 11, 2020 ~ "Rock Bottom: When the Church Looks Like the World"

 Pastor Mitchell Cruit

This text is tailored to teach us that even God’s people can become just like the world.

I. Israel’s Example (19:1-30)

II. How do God’s people become just like the world? (v. 1, cf. 1 Sam. 8:5-7)

  • God’s people become just like the world when they ignore God’s reign.

III. What does it look like when God’s people become just like the world?

  • God’s people become like the world, when we become inhospitable. (v.17-22)
  • God’s people become like the world, when we ignore God’s design for physical intimacy. (v.22-25)
  • God’s people become like the world, when we fail to protect the vulnerable and grow callous to their cause. (v. 24-29)

IV. Jesus brings back to God even those who are like the world through his death on the cross. (cf. Rom. 5:10)

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