This text is tailored to teach us we can rejoice in trials because of the privileged position we hold in redemptive history.
I. The Spirit inspired prophets to prophesy about God’s grace through Christ for us. (v. 10-12a)
A. The prophets longed to understand the grace we have received. (v. 10)
B. The prophets longed to experience the grace we have received (v. 11a)
C. The prophets prophesied the grace of God by pointing to Christ’s sufferings and subsequent glories. (v. 11b)
D. The prophets were serving not themselves, but you. (v. 12a)
II. The Spirit empowers preachers to proclaim God’s grace through Christ to us. (v. 12b)
III. Angels delight to see God’s grace through Christ as it is realized in our lives. (v. 12c)
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