Pastor Mitchell Cruit
Psalm 107
This text is tailored to teach us to give thanks to the Lord for his steadfast love. (v. 1-3)
I. Four Reasons to Give Thanks in Troubled Times
a. The Lord satisfied the hungry (v. 4-9)
b. The Lord freed the enslaved. (v. 10-16)
c. The Lord healed the foolish. (v. 17-22)
d. The Lord calmed the storm. (v. 23-32)
II. How do we know that the Lord still shows steadfast love in troubled times?
Because the Lord did not just show steadfast love, he is a God of steadfast love. (v. 33-42)
III. How can we give thanks to the Lord when we are in troubled times?
Consider the steadfast love of the Lord. (v. 43)
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