2 Corinthians 8:16-9:5
This text is tailored to teach us that God’s kingdom advances powerfully when we partner with others in the gospel.
I. What is the identity of a kingdom partner? (8:23)
Kingdom partners are our brothers or sisters in Christ, the glory of Christ, who labor for the good of the church as representatives of the church.
II. What are faithful kingdom partners like? (8:16-18, 22)
Kingdom partners are earnest in their care, willing in their service, committed to the gospel, and they are tested and found earnest.
III. What is the purpose of a kingdom partnerships? (8:16, 19, 21, 24)
Kingdom partnerships demonstrate the glory of Christ, the goodwill of our church, our love for the Church, and that God is at work in us.
IV. What do kingdom partnerships look like? (8:19-20, 9:1-5)
Kingdom partnerships are both individual and institutional; involve sharing people and resources; provide mutual edification; are generous, planned, and willing; and are above all motivated by Christ’ work on our behalf.
V. What does this mean for Northwood?
We aim to partner with others in the gospel by sharing our resources and sending out our members to advance God’s kingdom.
a. We will slowly and purposefully develop partnerships with other gospel-centered and church-loving individuals, organizations, and churches.
b. As the Lord sees fit to grow Northwood in both maturity and membership we hope to share our resources and send out our members.
c. We hope that our kingdom partnerships will lead to the strengthening of existing churches, the planting of new churches, and the good of our city for the glory of Christ.
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