Monday, May 31, 2010

May 30, 2010 ~ "No Substitutes Allowed"

Pastor Neal Brown

Introduction: God will tell us all we need to know.

Proposition: In I John 5:18-21 we will examine some certainties on which to build our lives.

Monday, May 24, 2010

May 23, 2010 ~ "Blessed Assurance"

Pastor Neal Brown

Introduction: What you know can help you!

Proposition: We can live with confidence because of these certainties in I John 5:13-15

Monday, May 17, 2010

May 16, 2010 ~ "Court is Adjourned"

Pastor Neal Brown

Introduction: One of the most crucial questions facing us today: Who is Jesus?

Proposition: We will examine the importance of the testimony concerning Jesus in 1 John 5:6-12.

Monday, May 10, 2010

May 9, 2010 ~ "Spiritual Birthmarks"

Pastor Neal Brown

Introduction: The new birth leaves the same marks upon each of us. (vs 1)

Proposition: In I John 5:1-5 we discover some characteristics of one who is born of God.

Monday, May 3, 2010

May 2, 2010 ~ "The Power of Memory"

Pastor Neal Brown

Introduction: Why is remembering so important?

Proposition: In Deuteronomy 8:11-18 we discover some things we must remember.