Monday, June 29, 2020

June 21, 2020 ~ "Rock Bottom: The Perfect Plan?"

Pastor Mitchell Cruit
I. How does God deliver his people?
II. What difference does this reality make?

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Since we are live streaming on YouTube during this time of separation, you can also CLICK HERE to watch the entire service if you prefer!

Monday, June 15, 2020

June 14, 2020 ~ "Rock Bottom: God Who?"

Pastor Mitchell Cruit

The Story Itself

Israel forgets. (v. 7)
Israel sins. (v. 7) 
Israel is oppressed. (v. 8) 
Israel cries out. (v. 9)
God delivers Israel. (v.9-10)
Israel rests. (v. 11)

The Story Applied
This text is tailored to teach us don’t forget, God delivers.
How do we remember?
Read the Word daily.
Hear the Word proclaimed.
See the Word displayed. 

>>click here to listen or right-click to download<<

Since we are posting video messages on YouTube during this time of separation, you can also CLICK HERE to watch this message if you prefer!

Monday, June 8, 2020

June 7, 2020 ~ "Rock Bottom: It Gets Worse"

Pastor Rory Dardich
“Those who do not know YAHWEH are condemned to repeat their sin patterns.”

I. The next generation did not know / acknowledge YAHWEH.  (v.10-13)
II. God’s Promise is Fulfilled (v.14-15)
III. The Judges Cycle (v.16-19)
IV. The only true and complete rescue from this cycle is Jesus.

>>click here to listen or right-click to download<<

Since we are posting video messages on YouTube during this time of separation, you can also CLICK HERE to watch this message if you prefer!

Monday, June 1, 2020

May 31, 2020 ~ "Rock Bottom: Foundational Cracks"

Pastor Mitchell Cruit
I. Principles for Interpreting Judges
II. The History of Israel’s Conquest of Canaan. (1:1-36)
III. God’s Assessment of Israel’s Conquest of Canaan (2:1-5)
IV. Applying God’s Assessment to Our Lives

>>click here to listen or right-click to download<<

Since we are posting video messages on YouTube during this time of separation, you can also CLICK HERE to watch this message if you prefer!

May 24, 2020 ~ "The Riches of the Gospel"

Pastor Mitchell Cruit
This text is tailored to teach us the gospel invites us to displace lesser loves in our heart with the perfect love of Christ. 

I. Personally, we displace corruption with Christlikeness because of the greatness of God and the already-not yet reign of Christ. (v. 11-16)

II. Materially, we displace confidence in riches with hope in God because of the generosity of God. (v. 17-19)

III. Doctrinally, we displace false knowledge with guarding the gospel because of the danger ahead. (v.20-21)

>>click here to listen or right-click to download<<

Since we are posting video messages on YouTube during this time of separation, you can also CLICK HERE to watch this message if you prefer!