Northwood's sermons are now available on several popular podcasting sites such as Spotify, Apple, Amazon, and iHeart. In this archive you will find sermons dating from April 2024 all the way back to June 2008.
>>click here to listen or right-click to download<< Pastor Neal Brown Introduction: “As a man thinks within his heart, so he is.” (Prov 23:7) Proposition: In 2 Cor 10:1-6 we discover how to maintain the mind of a servant.
>>click here to listen or right-click to download<< Pastor Neal Brown Introduction: “We are to worship God and serve Him only” (Matt 4:10) Proposition: In Joshua 24:14-24 we discover how we are to serve the Lord.
>>click here to listen or right-click to download<< Pastor Neal Brown Introduction: He demonstrates His faithfulness to us, even when we are faithless – (2 Tim 2:13) Proposition: We should rejoice in God’s faithfulness as demonstrated in Joshua 24:5-13.
>>click here to listen or right-click to download<< Pastor Neal Brown Introduction: Starting well is relatively easy but finishing well is another matter. Proposition: We will learn how to run well as we examine Paul’s view of life in 2 Tim 4:6-8.
Introduction: We cannot lose or earn the love of our Father. Proposition: In Luke 15:11-32 we get a very clear picture of our Heavenly Father, and this understanding will empower us to live as sons and daughters..
>>click here to listen or right-click to download<< Pastor Neal Brown Introduction: Something great came from something small and insignificant. Proposition: In Micah 5:2-4 we will focus on what we have as a result of the birth of Christ.