Missionary, Dave Cox
The gospel demands devotion to Prayer...
Prayer is to be a way of life for all believers.
Prayer provides power for Gospel witness among all people.
Prayer is our pathway to discovering our unique contribution.
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*TECHNICAL NOTE: we had some sound system complications this week and the recording is slightly overdriven. Please excuse the slightly fuzzy audio.
Pastor Mitchell Cruit
The gospel demands a war-time mentality.
Personally, we maintain a war-time mentality by holding faith and a good conscience. (v.18-19a)
Corporately, we maintain a war-time mentality by refusing to provide false assurance. (v.19b-20)
>>click here to listen or right-click to download<<
Pastor Mitchell Cruit
The gospel is that Christ came to save you, a sinner, to be a trophy of his grace.
The effect of the gospel is thankfulness.
The essence of the gospel is that Christ came to save sinners.
The purpose of the gospel is to make sinners trophies of God’s grace.
>>click here to listen or right-click to download<<
Pastor Mitchell Cruit
The gospel requires devotion to healthy doctrine that is aimed at love by:
- Guarding against false doctrine.
- Remembering that false doctrine comes from false living.
- Understanding the proper use of the law.
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