Monday, September 28, 2020

September 27, 2020 ~ "Joining Jesus in His Mission"

 Church Planting Catalyst, Gene Wilson

I. Why Plant Churches? 5 Compelling Reasons

II. God’s Mission Team

    A. The Setting (v. 19)

    B. The Sending (v. 20-23)

    C. TheSurrendering(The Book of Acts)

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Since we are live streaming on YouTube during this time of separation, you can also                   CLICK HERE to watch the entire service if you prefer!

Monday, September 21, 2020

September 20 ,2020 ~ "Prayers of Trust"

 Pastor Mitchell Cruit

The Principle of Trust: This text is tailored to teach us that when the Lord is our shepherd, we can trust him. (v. 1)

Adore: 5 Reasons to Trust the Lord (v.2-6)

The Lord shepherds us with his provision. (v. 2)

The Lord shepherds us with his guidance. (v. 3, cf. Isa. 53:6)

The Lord shepherds us with his protection. (v. 4)

The Lord shepherds us with his presence. (v. 5-6)

Jesus is the good shepherd, who lays down his life for the sheep. (cf. John 10:11)

Admit and Aspire: 3 Ways We Can Respond to Psalm 23

You can respond by admitting you’re a sinner in need of a Savior, and you can trust Jesus to save you from your sin and to bring you back to God.

You can respond by admitting ways you don’t trust the Lord to be your shepherd and aspire to trust the Lord.

>>click here to listen or right-click to download<<

Since we are live streaming on YouTube during this time of separation, you can also                   CLICK HERE to watch the entire service if you prefer!

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

September 13, 2020 ~ "Prayers of Dependence"

 Pastor Rory Dardich

Psalm 127 was written and sung, or prayed to serve as a strong reminder of our true & complete dependence on the Lord instead of on our human striving.

I. We depend on the Lord for Shelter, Security & Sustenance. (v.1-2)

A. Confronting the persistent original human failure.

B. Not chastisement for working hard, nor a license for laziness.

C. This is a call to examine the evidence of your allegiance revealed by how you live.

II. We depend on the Lord for Posterity, Support & Reputation. (v.3-5)

A.The blessings of the Lord on the godly family are many and varied.

B.Why arrows?

>>click here to listen or right-click to download<<

Since we are live streaming on YouTube during this time of separation, you can also                   CLICK HERE to watch the entire service if you prefer!

September 6, 2020 ~ "Prayers of Lament"

 Guest Pastor, Jay Hand

Your Way Was Through The Sea: Seeking the The Lord in the Day of Trouble

1) God desires ​honest​ prayer. (v.1-9)

-Honesty​ cultivates ​intimacy​.

2) Honest Prayer​ + ​God’s Word​ = ​Heart Change (v.10-20)

-In our ​despair​, we must remember the ​promises​ of God.

-Remembering promises ​kept​, gives us hope in God’s promises ​yet to be fulfilled.

3) God’s ​way​ is through the ​sea.​ (v.16-20)

-Christ ​is our ​Shepherd​ who leads us through the ​water.

>>click here to listen or right-click to download<<

Since we are live streaming on YouTube during this time of separation, you can also                   CLICK HERE to watch the entire service if you prefer!