Tuesday, October 27, 2020

October 25, 2020 ~ "A Flourishing Church"

Guest Pastor Jason Harms

God has called your church to be a flourishing Christian community. 

Three Characteristics of a Flourishing Christian Community:

1) A devoted community (v.42-43)

  • ...to the teaching of God’s Word
  • ...to the fellowship
  • ...to the breaking of bread
  • ...to praying together

2) A unified community (v.44-45)

3) A growing community (v.46-47)

How is God calling you to take part in making your church a flourishing Christian community? 

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Since we are live streaming on YouTube during this time of separation, you can also                   CLICK HERE to watch the entire service if you prefer!

Monday, October 19, 2020

October 18, 2020 ~ "Rock Bottom: Deposition, Dethronement, & Devastation"

Pastor Mitchell Cruit 

This text is tailored to teach us that when God isn’t king, devastation reigns among God’s people. 

6 Pictures of the Devastation that Reigns Among God’s People When God Isn’t King

  1. God’s people fight God’s people rather than God’s enemies. (20:1-11, cf. Eph. 6:12, Col. 1:9)
  2. God’s people defend their tribe rather than God’s justice. (20:12-17)
  3. God’s people assume their judgment is right rather than seeking God’s judgment. (20:18-35)
  4. God’s people act vindictively rather than justly. (20:36-48)
  5. God’s people blame God for the consequences of their sin rather than repent of their sin. (21:1-3, cf. 21:15)
  6. God’s people use their own wisdom to justify their sin. (21:4-24)

>>click here to listen or right-click to download<<

Since we are live streaming on YouTube during this time of separation, you can also                   CLICK HERE to watch the entire service if you prefer!

Monday, October 12, 2020

October 11, 2020 ~ "Rock Bottom: When the Church Looks Like the World"

 Pastor Mitchell Cruit

This text is tailored to teach us that even God’s people can become just like the world.

I. Israel’s Example (19:1-30)

II. How do God’s people become just like the world? (v. 1, cf. 1 Sam. 8:5-7)

  • God’s people become just like the world when they ignore God’s reign.

III. What does it look like when God’s people become just like the world?

  • God’s people become like the world, when we become inhospitable. (v.17-22)
  • God’s people become like the world, when we ignore God’s design for physical intimacy. (v.22-25)
  • God’s people become like the world, when we fail to protect the vulnerable and grow callous to their cause. (v. 24-29)

IV. Jesus brings back to God even those who are like the world through his death on the cross. (cf. Rom. 5:10)

>>click here to listen or right-click to download<<

Since we are live streaming on YouTube during this time of separation, you can also                   CLICK HERE to watch the entire service if you prefer!

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

October 4, 2020 ~ "Rock Bottom: Have it Your Way"

 Pastor Mitchell Cruit

This text is tailored to teach us you can’t have God your way.

I. 5 Symptoms of the Disease Within

A. People “devoted” to God try to have God their way. (17:1-6)

B. People try to have it their way with God’s approval. (17:7-18:1a)

C. People, who should defend God’s way, defend their way. (18:1b-6)

D. People, who seek their own way, lose everything. (18:7-26)

E. People, who seek their own way, succeed, but only for a season. (18:27-31)

II. The Antidote: We must commit to follow the way of the True King, personally. (17:6, 18:1, 18:30 cf. John 14:6)

>>click here to listen or right-click to download<<

Since we are live streaming on YouTube during this time of separation, you can also                   CLICK HERE to watch the entire service if you prefer!