1 Peter 3:8-17 spells out how and why we should live differently, no matter what situation we are in.
I. Honoring Christ in how we relate to other people (v.8-12)
A. Be of one mind, sympathetic, love like family, tenderhearted & humble in attitude. (v.8)
B. You are called into God’s family to bless others - not retaliate when mistreated. (v. 9)
C. Why live this way? (v.10-12)
II. Honoring Christ when wrongly accused or mistreated (v.13-17)
A. As you endure mistreatment with hope and joy, be ready to explain it! (v.13-15)
B. Your manner & behavior should always match your message. (v.16)
C. You are called to do things God’s way - even when you suffer for it. (v.17)
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